A Life Of
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A Life Of
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A Life Of Practice
...Is it a desert? Or is it a garden of ecstasy?
Practice builds Matrix in your Being to hold more consciousness.
No one can practice for you.
No one can stop you from practicing.
To Process Vs. To Practice
If you look around, you can find evidence to support the story that the purpose of the Universe is Evolution.
In Possibility Management - and in the context of the StartOver.xyz game - the term 'evolution' is defined in a specific way: as the Evolution of Consciousness in human beings, in other words, Conscious Evolution.
Human beings can hold more Consciousness after they Build more Matrix in their Energetic Body - guess why the StartOver game is all about Matrix Points!
The more Matrix you build, the more Consciousness you can hold.
And! More Matrix does not guarantee more consciousness. Matrix is simply the base upon which consciousness can potentially grow.
There is maximum speed at which our Being tolerates the building of more Matrix, which is rather slow and random. The good news is that we human beings can take Radical Responsibility for building Matrix in our Being faster than the ordinary speed of evolution.
Some of us have made building Matrix into a hobby! While some people gather on weekends to watch football games or knit sweaters, we meet in Possibility Teams or S.P.A.R.K. Experiment Teams to go through transformational Liquid States.
The ways Consciousness can be Consciously Evolved can be distinguished into two main categories: the processes and the practices.
The processes are Authentic Adulthood Initiations, Expanding the Box, Upgrading Thoughtware, adding new Distinctions into the Being, using Emotions as gateways for healing things , Stellating Feelings to the Archetypal levels of intensity to turn on inner Feelings Archetypes and so on.
The practices are ways of integrating the processes and building Matrix so our energetic body can 'hold' the process in our consciousness.
Initiatory processes are the content of the Possibility Labs and Possibility Coaching sessions and they are astonishingly life-changing experiences... when put into Practice. A process without a solid Practice to integrate it in daily life will not be held by the 5 bodies.
Making new decisions or discovering new distinctions without applying them as new options in your life is much like New Year's resolutions. You are fooling yourself.
Many people have had the experience that it is really the Practice that changes their life because Conscious Evolution is about using the new skills that you have learned in your everyday life to create different results. Otherwise, what's the point?
What If It Works...?
What if you practice avoiding Low Drama by asking your Gremlin to detect other people's Gremlins and it works?
What if you keep your Center and stop being adaptive and giving your authority away and instead you build a Team of collaborators to create new gameworlds that make the existing gameworlds irrelevant?
What if you use your Real Voice and adult feelings to create clarity, make decisions, ask for what you want, and to negotiate 5 Body intimacies and it works, and you start having more ecstasy in your life than your Box is accustomed to?
By now you might start thinking that one answer would be to keep practicing...
Practice Starts With A Shift Of Identity
You might have heard the story that a context of Evolution can be too hard and puts too much pressure on people to evolve faster and faster, that there are too many practices that could be taken on and it can be overwhelming. You might have even believed in such story for a while.
Context of Evolution, such as Possibility Management, are based on a radically different contexts than the culture most of us grew up in. Meeting such contexts can be like meeting an alien culture. So yes it is a lot of new distinctions, behaviors, traditions and practices.
Carrying a life of practice is living a life of experimenting. It means shifting into a new identity. The new identity is becoming an experimenter.
Carrying a life of practice demands that you do not give a shit if other people are practicing, what others are practicing, or what is customary or what the rules are. It is about being an experimenter and caring about the result of your experiment. It is not practicing because someone told you that it will change something, or it's good, or you'll be enlightened. It is practicing because you see the different results that your practice creates in your life.
Practicing because it is customary or tradition to have this practice in that culture is giving your center away to that culture and to its traditions. Then you are a victim in a Low Drama.
To have a life of practice that is your life, you have to be an asshole experimenter. You have to be the one who wants to experiment because it gives you different results than what you had before.
Feeling the pressure of the practice is Gremlin food, is blaming the context for the practice it offers you. Yes, some practices have been shown over and over again to change people's life. So what? Do it not because it changes other people's life. Do it because it changes your life. If it doesn't work, find another experiment. Create your own experiment. Possibility Management was created and is still being created because some people have tried things, some work, some didn't work and they wrote down everything so they can keep doing what worked and stop doing what didn't work. Find out what is your next experiment. What is your next experiment with your Box, your Gremlin, your Being and your Archetypal lineage. All of them need and want different experiments, figure out what they are.
What Is There To Practice?
Asking yourself this simple question, "What is there to practice?" opens a doorway to a life-direction change.
Why is that? Because this question starts a meta-conversation about your life.
A 'meta-conversation' is 'a conversation about the conversation', in this case, a conversation about what else is possible for you in your life other than the Linear Life Plan arranged by modern culture.
By asking, "What is there to practice?" you call into your space archetypal Bright Principles, forces of nature such as Diligence, Persistence, Acceptance, Forgiveness, Empowerment, Nonlinearity, Determination, Transformation, Evolution, Elegance, Commitment, Precision, High Level Fun, and Practice.
This is a mighty powerful punch created by one small question!
Ask the next question.
Don’t forget your keys,
have you got your bag?
Did you pack your lunch?
and is the oven turned off?
Is the dog feed and the washing in? Did you remember to wish her happy birthday?
Are the plants watered?
And do you have your phone charger?
AND, Did you practise your rage?
At first you will hate me.
You will cry when you are suppose to be raging
you might freeze
and remember everything,
except to practise your rage
the excuses will run like confetti through the air,
what about the kids.. the cat hates it.. what will neighbours think..
i’m tired.
I had no time
my head hurts and my throat sounds weird
and none of my rage towels are clean
it is too late
it is too early
I swear it counts if I just get annoyed sitting in my car as the traffic cuts in front of me
Surely it counts to yell at my partner, “to sort their shit out!”
I’m hungry
I need to rest
Yes. It is all true
Remember to practise your rage, because no one is practising it for you,
In time the energetic capacity of your skeleton will increase,
Your anger muscle will sharpen,
Your rage practise will become your familiar training ground,
just you,
Anger and a freedom only found by showing up,
at your internal dojo, namaste, teacher rage, I am here, show me.
You will stand taller
Speak clearer
Stay longer when the feelings run hot.
Stay longer when the searing knife of Love touches your human heart.
Your body will hold more of you
Under those ten thousand Nos you never said,
you will find that within you,
you have an authentic Yes.
May you find it,
the taste so sweet,
that resounds in every cell,
resonating like a note
through your whole being.
Yes. That.
No one can stop you.
Your future self thanks you,
for showing up to practise your Rage.
Practice Practicing
...practicing how to practice = practicing practicing!
Before jumping into practice using your standard strategy of figuring out everything in advance with your mind so that you think you understand it all and it seems comprehensible and safe to you... or the other end of the Thinking Gorilla perspective... jumping in with Brute Force and Massive Ignorance (the BFMI technique) flinging mud and logs at it until it surrenders crushed at your feet... let us consider the possibility of practicing how to practice.
The above two methods of practice, though perhaps familiar, use only two of your 5 Bodies, your Intellectual Body and your Physical Body. But you have 3 more bodies to practice with, and they are perhaps the bodies needing the most practice.
How can you get the intelligence and energy of your Emotional, Energetic, and Archetypal Bodies coordinated and activated in your efforts to practice?
On What It Takes to Be a Professional,
A short text by Anne-Chloé Destremau.
I used to be a professional swimmer.
I learned to swim at age 8. Doing laps in the public pool in Nouméa, New Caledonia pretending to be a mermaid.I didn't tell anybody that I was being a mermaid. I would go back and forth in the small pool undulating and holding my breath.
I moved back to France and entered the professional Swimming Team at the Stade Poitevin Natation in Poitiers.
I became so proficient in undulation that my speciality quickly became the Butterfly Stroke. If you don’t know anything about swimming, that is the stroke in which you undulate the most. I had practiced the Butterfly Stroke for 2 years straight without even knowing it. I thought I might just become a mermaid if I undulated and held my breath enough.
I swam for almost 10 years until I was 17 years old. During the last 5 years, I swam twice a day 6 days a week, three times a day during the school holidays and went to competitions on the weekends. I would have one month break in the summer.
10 kilometers twice a day for 6 days per week 50 weeks per for 5 years.
This alone equates to 30,000 kilometers.
I swam far more than 30,000 kilometers.
That is what it takes to be a professional swimmer.
You want to be a professional lover?
You want to be a professional parent?
You want to be a professional relationship creator?
You want to be a professional gameworld builder?
You want to be a professional trainer?
You want to be a professional guardian?Are you training 4 to 6 hours a day, each day to become what you can be?
You can simply delete the absolutely specious notion that you were born professional in being a human being.
You were born with temporary amnesia about how to be one: how to create authentic human relationships, how to be authentically yourself, how to connect with Earth and the Infinite Resources.
Where did we get the idea that we have ever been proficient in those domains? Because our parents and grandparents had a job, gave birth to children and provided food on the table? There is no proof of the capacity of being an authentic conscious human being in those characteristics. These are merely proof of surviving tricks.
What if you start over?
What if you start with the story about yourself that you have no idea how to be a human being? What would we be your daily practice?
What would you place at the center of your life?
How to live Life fully maybe?
What else would be more important?
Having more money, having enough money?
Having a better job?
What would you do with more money and a better job if you have no idea what you want, what makes you alive, why you decided to come as a human being on Earth?Experiments For Practicing Practicing
The result of Practice is that you build Matrix...consequently more becomes possible to you
Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.01
What happens if you decide to never stop practicing?
To know when you are not practicing is such a wonderful way to learn what it means to practice. Have you ever done coloring in by coloring the background of the drawing and leaving the inside the lines uncoloured? Do you notice that this is one way to bring the distinction of the shape of the drawing regardless?
This experiment is exactly that. To start Noticing what practicing is NOT so as to train yourself to have the Distinction of what practice is.
For this experiment you will need three balls and a timer and a whole day.
1. Set an alarm to go off every hour for the entire time that you are awake.
2. When the alarm goes off, Center, ground and bubble yourself (if you do not know how to do that, follow these links).
3. Start the timer for 3 minutes, start practicing juggling the three balls. Focus your Attention on juggling the three balls for 3 minutes.
4. Notice what is happening in your 5 bodies while you are practicing.
5. When 3 minutes is up, stop practicing, put your 3 balls away and carry on with your day.
6. Notice what happens in your 5 bodies when you stop practicing.
7. When the alarm goes off the next hour, again set your timer, take out your 3 balls and start practicing.
8. Do this for the rest of the day.
9. At the end of the day write down in your Beep!Book 5 things you noticed in your 5 bodies while you are practicing and 5 things you noticed happening in your 5 bodies when you are not practicing.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.01 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. Write one thing you noticed in the Proof field. This experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.02
- Call together a Possibility Team, join one that is already running or go to the one you are part of.
- Meet every week for at least 1.5 hours.
- During each meeting dedicate at least 30 minutes to pure practice.
- Split the practice time up into 10 minute time slots.
- Each person chooses one skill that they will practice for 10 minutes, the practice could be with others on their own or in a three cell.
- After the skill has been practiced check in about the practice. Share one or two things you noticed about your practice.
- Do this for at least 4 months
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.02 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. Write one thing you practiced in the Proof field. This experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.03
Refine your Purpose Sniffer so that it is highly attuned to the texture of Low Drama, then just as in the game of dodge ball, practice side stepping Low Drama every moment throughout your day.
- Get together with your 3 cell to go through the stages of the Low Drama Triangle.
- One person takes on the position of the Persecutor, the other the rescuer and the other the victim.
- For 4 minutes act out the drama triangle. The persecutor's job is to say everything that a persecutor would say to the victim. Making it very big and obvious, use the voice, body language, words and sentence that I prosecutor would use. Such as: “You are the biggest idiot the world has ever seen, this is 100% your fault, if you had not been born this would not have happened”
- The victim’s job is to act out exactly the position of the victim, making it very obvious, big and clear. Some things a victim might say : “This always happens to me, I am a totally failure, I am so hopeless, why is it always me”.
- The third person acts out the position of the rescuer, owning that position and making it very large and obvious. Using the tone of voice, the gestures and the sentences of the rescuer to go full out in that position. Some things a rescuer might say: “You were trying hard, you gave it a good shot, it is ok, I will fix that for you, don't worry”.
- After 4 minutes, switch roles so that each person gets to act out the next position.
- Swap once more so that each person has acted out each position.
- Share together exactly how it was for you. There is Gremlin ecstasy to being in Low Drama, you get to expend a lot of energy but nothing changes and no one takes any responsibility. Share with each other how painful or ecstatic it is to be fully locked into a position on the drama triangle.
Now that you have an imprint within you of the texture of the low drama triangle, the next part of this experiment is where you get to practice not going there!
9. For the next week, the moment you notice a taste of low drama, celebrate that you noticed it.
10. Then try something else. Choose to walk away or Decide to Feel exactly what you are Feeling and say "I feel...because..." instead. Decide to not engage in the low drama, instead use the energy and information of your Feelings to create a space of profound Intimacy.
11. The key here is to practice. It is not about living in a temple where there are only meditative monks. Be in places where people are doing their normal day, which includes Low Drama. (Notice your own internal Low Drama and practice side stepping that aswell).
12. Make notes in your BeepBook at the end of each day about what low drama you practiced side stepping.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.03 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. Write one thing you noticed about the practice of sidestepping low drama in the Proof field. This experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.04
- For the next two weeks practice Radical Honesty about how you are pretending be "fine, ok" or "well" and how you are being inauthentic.
- Every time someone asks you “how are you?” Tell them that you want to say “I am good” “but really I am…” then say exactly how you are in that very small moment. Say what you are Feeling and why, tell them what you are Noticing.
- Use the opportunity of receiving a compliment to practice saying clearly what is happening in you when you receive it. For example, if you are blocking the compliment say “I am pretending to be glad to hear you say nice things, but really I feel scared because I do not believe you and I am scared of being seen, I am trying to figure out how to leave this conversation because of that fear”.
- Practice saying when you are pretending to be interested in a conversation when you are really not interested. Clearly say “I am pretending to be interested, really I am not”.
- Practice saying when you are copying or trying to impress. Say things like “I am inspired by you and I am copying you”. Or “I am really attracted to you and I am trying to make myself act normal, really I love you”.
- Practice being authentic about how inauthentic you are when you do not know. For example “I am trying to answer your question because I want to seem knowledgeable, really I do not know”.
- Practice saying when you are pretending to be wanting to be doing what you are doing. Simply say “I am pretending I want to be doing this”.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.04 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. Write one way you are inauthentic in the Proof field. This experiment is worth 1 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.05
A Commitment is a force of nature that changes the shape of your Being. Keeping your commitments is an Experiment for your Being. Before you can keep your commitments you must first become commited. For this experiment practice commiting before you know how.
Do the following every morning for one month:
1. Choose one thing that you are commited to. It could be something like committing to getting out of bed at the same time every day for one week. It could be commit to being somewhere at an agreed time. It could be completing a job by a set date. It does not matter so much what you commit to, it does matter that you commit.
2. Write down in your BeepBook what you are commited to. Make it clear and specific. For example if you are commited to speaking to someone say who that person is, at what time and what it is about.
3. Practise keeping each commitment no matter what.
4. At the end of each day note down if you kept your commitment or not. If not state what happened.
5. Do it again the next day.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.05 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. Write one commitment you kept in the Proof field. This experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.06
This experiment is designed for you to become a different person.
1. Start a list of your personal knacks in your BeepBook.
2. Go to your 3 cell and ask them totell you also your knacks. Ask specifically "Tell me what you see are my knacks", "what would you recommend me for other people to hire" ,"what specific jobs would you hire me to do, because it is my speciality?"
3. Write down everything they say.
4. Go through each Knack and Notice what happens in your Emotional body, your Energetic Body, your Intellectual Body, your Physical body and your Archetypal Body. If you can not yet distingish between your five bodies, follow this link to discover more about each of them.
4. CHOOSE ONE THING. The thing you choose will do somethig in your Five Bodies. It will hold a certain mass.
5. Practise that one thing for 4-6 hours everyday for the next 3 months.
6. With this level of practise you will come into contact with Archetypal Forces of the universe that will change the shape of Your Being.
7. After practising for 4-6 hours everyday for 3 months hold a Worktalk for 1.5-2hrs. Either about "A Life of Practise" or the thing you practised.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.06 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. Write the name of the Worktalk in the Proof field. This experiment is worth 15 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.07
In Possibility Management we have distilled 7 Core Skills that any person would need to have Competence in so to transform and reinvent what is possible in any moment in any space. In other words, you need these skills to be a Possibilitator.
Becoming absurdly effective means that you go beyond what your Box or your Gremlin thinks is enough. You also practice beyond reason and with an intensity and frequency that is beyond what is "normal" to the culture you grew up in or what your Box tells you. You simply practice anyway until you notice something is shifting and you are able to create totally different results.
Do this as part of your 3 cell or at your Possibility Team.
1. Read through the 7 core skills website.
2. For each skill: Shifting Identity, Holding Space, Being Centered, Becoming Unhookable, Making Contact, Going Stellar, Creating Possibility and Self Marketing, design one practice for your self with the help of your team.
3. Make sure each practice is a) specific, b) has a start and end time and c) you have at least one accountability partner to check in with.
4. Write this list of 8 practices in your BeepBook and immeadiatly start doing them. Make sure you do one practice every day.
5. Every time you practice write down what you practiced and which core skill you are practicing.
6. Do this experiment for 3 months.
7. Regulary (weekly) check in with your teams where you are at with your 7 core skills practice.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.07 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof field name one new result that you can now create. This experiment is worth 7 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.08
Each person, regardless of their culture or times, is born with an energetic toolbelt full of energetic tools to use with your Energetic Body as you get more and more initiated into authentic adulthood. If you never heard of the 13 Tools on your Energetic Toolbelt, that does not mean they are not there waiting for you to use them.
This would be like when the giant hurricane smashed the Fiji and Tonga Island chains into smithereens, wiping out the Casava crop on both islands. Within a month the Fijians were starving to death but the Tongans were getting along just fine.
Finally a Fijian who is visiting the Tongan Islands notices the difference and says, "Hey! How come you are not all starving to death from lack of Casava like we are over in Fiji?"
"Ahhh," says the Tongan. "That is simple to answer. We eat Taro!"
"What is Taro?" asks the Fijian.
"That stuff over there with the big leaves," says the Tongan.
"But that is just a weed!" says the Fijian.
"Call it what you want," says the Tongan, "but if it is a weed, then it is a very delicious and nutritious weed!"
The Fijian immediate sails back to Fiji and shows his people how to prepare and eat the abundant Taro plants that were growing around them all the time they were starving to death, and they all live happily ever after!
The lesson of the story is, you may have an incredibly useful toolbelt with 13 Tools hanging on it ready for you to use in your daily life, but if you do not know they are there and do not use them... whose fault is it?
You might want to slide sideways over to 13tools.mystrikingly.com and get really good at using them.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.08 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof field name one energetic tool that is now at your finger tips. This experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.09
1. Cavitate and Hold Space for a weekly EHP Dojo (Emotional Healing Process) either online of in person.
2. Cavitate the Space with the Context of Samurai levels of practice.
3. This means that whatever is in the space is a door to practice practicing, for example: people's clothing, speech, attitude, behavior, messiness, quality of efforts made, quality of questions asked, quality of Attention paid, quality of listening in the space, quality of instructions given, quality of timing, etc.
4. Make it real, by being specific about the thing to practice.
5. Keep deepening the Context around Practicing Practice.
6. Ask the question: what does this level of practice mean in terms of Accountability and Integrity to each person and to the space?
7. Notice what becomes possible in a Samurai level of practice Dojo space. Make notes on this in your Beep!Book.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.09 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof field name one thing that is possible in a samurai level of practice space. This experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.10
1. Get okay with being an Experimenter and Experimenting in your daily life.
2. Get okay with not being perfect or getting it right the first time, or even the third time.
3. Practice each day using Do-Overs to reveal new levels of vulnerability.
4.Practice Pulling The Rug out from under yourself. By naming your incompetence and then practice the first tiny thing in frount of yourself.
5. Practice revealing the Memetic Constructs you imprison yourself inside of.
6. Practice opening the door of the prison and stepping one or two steps outside, in public, so people can see how fresh you are.
7. Use the moment when you first come across someone who has a name that you do not know how to pronounce, to become a work in progress by asking them to tell you exactly how to say their name, especially if they are from a different culture and need to go over a few times how to properly pronounce each part of their name.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.10 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof field name one way you are a work in progress. This experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.11
Practice naming what you are now able to create because of what you have practiced.
1. Everytime you Notice that you are now able to do something that you could not before you started practicing, name it. Either tell someone to celebrate or write it down.
2. Notice what practice builds. Notice if you can stay focused for longer, if your speech changes, if your posture changes if the quality of your life improves. Notice if your sight, taste, judgment is clearer.
3. Start a list in your BeepBook of what happens in each of your 5 Bodies when you practice something.
4. Make a note of all the changes that practicing has brought to your life.
5. Name specifically new outcomes that are happening because of what you are practicing.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.11 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof field name one thing you notice has changed becuase of practicing. This experiment is worth 1 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.12
- Go to each of these places: A public garden, a church/temple, a school, a doctors clinic, a sports field/dojo and an office/workplace.
- You will spend about 5-10minutes at each place.
- When you are there, write the title of that place on a blank page in your BeepBook.
- Center, Ground and Bubble yourself.
- Declare a Golden Cube the size of the physical space you are in (for example if you are in a sports feild the cude will be the size of feild, if you are in a doctors waiting room the cube will be the size of the room).
- Split your Attention, place one part of your Attention on the physical elements of the space (eg objects, tools, arrangement of items).
- Split your attention again and place one part on your
Energetic body, Notice what sensations are there (eg, staticness, charged, pressure, goosebumps, vibrations). Place another part of your Attention on the Energetic space your holding within the golden cube. - Scan the Energetic Space with your Intention. You do this by placing your Attention on what you are Noticing in the Energetic Space. There will be qualities that you can detect. There will also be Bright Principles active in the space. Note in your BeepBook the Bright Principles you Notice. Also make notes on what you notice when you ask yourself these questions:
- What is being practiced in each of these places?
- How does the environment let that thing be practiced. (How are items arranged, how is the space designed, what items are included or not included etc..)
- What is the quality of practice (ie how conscious are people that they are practising?)
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.12 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof field name one quality that makes a space a practice space. This experiment is worth 1 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.14
1. Choose a language that you do not speak yet
2. Go to the country that speaks that language and surround yourself with people who speak that language.
3. Go to language lessons or get yourself a tutor while you are there.
4. Be there for at least 3 months.
5. Focus on learning to make different sounds, to read different combinations of letters and sounds. Focus on how sentences are put together.
6. Place your Attention on the Liquid State that practicing a new language induces, let your 5 bodies go Liquid in the experience of practicing.
7. What liquid states do your 5 bodies go into when you are practicing a new language?
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.14 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof field name the language you practiced. This experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.PRACTISE EXPANSIVE LEARNING
Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.15
Practice opening your self to life. You have within you the power to learn expansively, building knowledge in a nonlinear way and in many different places.
1. Every morning as soon as you wake up, set a timer for 10 minutes
2. Make sure you are in lose comfortable clothing and stand up with some space to move.
3. With your Attention, Scan your Physical Body from your head to the soles of your feet.
4. As soon as you find a contraction or tight spot in your body, let it go liquid.
5. You do this by placing your Attention on it and with your Intention surrounding it with fluid. So that is has a bed of liquid to melt into.
6. Keep going to the next tension, flood that with liquidity. Do this until the timer goes off.
7. Throughout your day Notice if you have tightness or are contracting in any of your 5 bodies,
8. Instead of brushing it aside choose to soften, this allows you to unfold yourself into Expansive Learning instead of collapsing into rigidity. Softening about rigidities will look like:
- Pains in your emotional body be fully felt so that you know what you are feeling, (anger, fear, sadness, joy or a mixture).
- Sensations in your physical body will move you, inform you and bring you closer to reality in a Minimized Now.
- Pains in your Energetic Body will fully unfold such as existential angst, or misalignment with destiny or seperation, will bring you information and help you get a sensation of something that you might not have been aware of before.
- Contractions in your Intellectual body unfold to new ways of thinking, new technologies to think with, new ideas, let yourself be bathed in new ideas.
- The massive pain of disconnection from your Archetypal Lineage will crack you wide open into the vastness of Expansive Learning. Let Archetypal Forces move you by making the experiment of choosing to relay on the Archetypal Forces of the universe and letting ECCO move you.
- Practice coming into close contact with reality by letting go of the Linear Life Plan and letting ECCO be your guide.
9. Pracitice taking an absurd amount of notes in your Beep!Book of your journey with expansive learning.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.15 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof field name one liquid state you went through. This experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.PRACTISE OWNING YOUR ATTENTION
Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.16
Take back your attention by Noticing how easily it wants to stray.
1. Choose a public place such as a beach front, park, cafe or recreation area.
2. Take a book with you.
3. Find somewhere to sit that is still in public veiw so people doing their activities will be walking past you.
4. Centre, Ground and Bubble yourself, if you do not yet know how to do that, follow the links.
5. Declare a Golden Cube around you about 2 meters x 2 meters x 2meters. Call in the Bright Principles that are coming through you. 6. Split your attention so that part one part of your Attention is on the Golden Cube.
7. Start reading your book out loud.
8. If someone walks by, or a dog comes by or if someone stops or comes closer. Just keep reading.
9. Notice each time your attention wants to be snatched away by other people's activities, or things happening in the outside world. Instead of letting yourself slow down or make your voice quieter, just keep reading out loud. Focus on what you are reading and do not let your Attention go to other bright and shiny things outside of your cube.
10. Do this for at least 20minutes.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.16 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof field name one thing that you took your attention back from. This experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.PRACTISE TAKING BACK YOUR AUTHORITY FOR TAKING BACK YOUR FREE ATTENTION
Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.17
Take back your Authority to own Your Attention, by practicing keeping your Center.
Ask for someone to Holdspace for you to take back your Authority to your Attention.
Start by Noticing where your energetic Centre is.
Split your attention by placing one part of your Attention on your physical center and another part of your Attention on where your Energetic Center is.
With your Intention bring your Energetic Center to sit on top of your physical centre. Everytime you Notice that it bounces away again, bring it back.
You will feel while you are doing this because having your centre means feelign yoru experience of the world. This means that you will feel what you have been avoiding by not keeping your energetic centre and having your Attention easy to grab. You will make sounds, you might cry, or roar or cough or shake while doing this.
Close the Vampire Cafe, by reading through SPARK 135 and doing the experiment with a spaceholder.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.17 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof field name one way you loose your centre. This experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.PRACTICE SCANNING FOR MATRIX IN OTHERS
Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.18
The purpose of this experiment is to familiarise yourself with the texture of the substance that a life of practise builds: Matrix!
This experiment has two stages.
1. Go to a public place with your Beep!Book, sit somewhere for 20 minutes to 1 hour.
2. Center, Ground and Bubble, (if you do not yet know how to do this follow the links and do the experiments).
3. Make connection with each of your Five Bodies. It is important that you do this and it does not matter if you do not know how. Simply connect first with your physical body sensations then move to the next body that is available to you until you have made contact with each body to the degree that is available to you.
4. Start to Notice what and who is grabbing Your Attention, simply Notice that at first.
5. Consciously Choose one person.
6. Scan their 5 bodies with your 5 bodies.
7. Scan for their Matrix: Asking these questions:
How much consciousness does their Being hold?
What Results are they able to Create in the world?
You will get information by Noticing:
how they hold themselves,
how they move,
their energetic presence,
and their sense of purpose,
The Integrity they act in.
8. All of the above will give you information about the specific Matrix they have and the specific Matrix they are missing.
9. Note down in your Beep!book what information your pick up on in each of your 5 Bodies.
10. Repeat for at least 2 other people.
1. Choose someone who has Matrix that you do not yet have. One way you can tell this is if they are able to create results in their life that you are not yet able to create. It could be someone who is connected to their Destiny doing the work they came to Earth to deliver, or it could be that they are able to Hold Space in a way that causes Extraordinary results.
2. Set up a time to record an interview with them for at least 10 minutes.
In the interview Scan again their Matrix and land Questions in them that reveal their Matirx and how they built it.
Questions like:
What do you notice that other people do not?
What do you spend an absurd amount of time doing or experimenting with?
In what ways do you focus that other people can not?
What steps did you take to be able to do xyz?
3. Notice what you are Scanning with (eg fear, anger, one or more of your bodies), and note this down in your Beep!Book.
4. Notice what you are scanning for (eg intensity, clarity, vision, endurance, hard work, the person’s capacity to be with you, their presence, joy of life, bright principles coming through, ability to slide away from bullshit, fantasy worlds and enter into contact with you).
5. Stay Centred , Grounded and Bubbled throughout. Continue to use your 5 Bodies to scan for the next question to ask.
6. Publish your interview on your Youtube channel.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.18 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof field name one peice of Matrix that is built by practise, link your interview. This experiment is worth 4 Matrix Points.PRACTICE SCANNING FOR MATRIX BUILDING PRACTICES OF ANY GROUP ORGANISATION OR GAMEWORLD
Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.19
Preamble: Gameworlds are the result of practices, Gameworlds also enable certain types of practice to happen and certain practices to not happen.
Gamewords use practises as a way to either control or empower people.
By making some practices forbidden, certain Matrix can not grow.
As an example, Conscious Anger is a practice, it is a practice that opens the possibility of stellating the Warrior Archetype. However not every Gameworld enables Conscious Rage practice, (e.g. most schools, work offices, churches or supermarkets do not enable a conscious rage practise).
You can consciously Choose what you practice. You can also Consciously Choose to play out a Gameworld or choose not to. You can also Create your own Gameworlds. Certain practices grow Matrix, enabling Consciousness to evolve ,other practices do not. For example, worshipping a guru in a group is a practice, it evokes a sense of dependency and the child ego state is soothed, by being in a caring “parent” like role. A Gameworld that enbles guru worship negates opening doorways for the Free and Natural Adult to come into contact with Archetypal facets of the Universe. For this to happen there are other things to practice. Such as: speaking with your Real Voice, taking your center back, going through Emotional Healing Processes….
For this experiment, you will be Scanning Gameworlds for what sort of practices they enable, by Noticing:
What Level of Responsiblity is the Context of the Gameworld sourced from?
How Grounded, Centred and Present are the people within that Gameworld?
What outcomes is the Gameworld creating?
What is at the center of the Gameworld?
What Bright Principles does the Gameworld stand for?
- Choose seven Gameworlds. Choose diverse Gameworlds, e.g. Summer camps, governments, NGOs, Football teams… Possibility Management…
- Write each one down in your Beep!Book.
- For each Gameworld name practices, that happen within that Gameworld. Ask these questions: What do the people interacting with that gameworld do? What skills are fostered within that gameworld, does the Gameworld encourage numbness? Sensitivity? Noticing? Or feeling?
- For Example: In a postshop people practice: linear thinking, waiting in a cue, paying the right amount, accuracy in calculations. The people do manual tasks and are encouraged to be polite and friendly only. The rules must be strictly followed by everyone otherwise the Gameworld does not work…
- Scan the whole Gameworld for specific practices that Build Matrix, e.g. you could notice that an apple orchard Gameworld has the practice of picking apples, which is a repetitive task, and has the potential to build Inner Structure for a life of practice…
- Look at your list and consciously raise your Fear.
- Use your fear to Choose one practice that lands somewhere in a Gap in your Matrix.
- Distil the practice so that it is specific to you and has an end date.
- Do that practice.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.19 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof field name one Gameworld which enables Matrix building practises. This experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.20
- Read through the list of 10 Doorways, list every one that you have not yet gone through or are caught part way through.
- Call a Team together of at least 2 other people. The purpose of your team is to start going through your Doorways.
- In your first meeting, Set the Context for a Four Feeling check in, each person will have a turn, you go first. The other team member’s job is to Hold a clear feeling Space and use their Emotional Bodies and Swords of Clarity to find your door ways to Emotional Healing Processes.
- Their job is to also distinguish between Feelings and Thoughts, if your mental body becomes active, it is their job to name it as such and navigate you to Feeling.
- Start by Lowering your Numbness Bar. Then say: “I feel scared because…” Let yourself feel and Experience what you are experiencing inside of you before moving on to the next Feeling. “I feel sad because…” move at the speed of your Heart and do not rush.
- When the space holders detects an Emotion (emotions last longer than 3 minutes...) they name the Emotion and the Doorway to the Healing Process.
- Write every one down on the back page in your Beep!Book.
- For the next month, go through at least one EHP every Week.
- Bring out the list of Doorways that you are yet to go through. With your team’s Swords of Clarity, be Radically Honest about where you are in reference to each Doorway. If you are not at that Doorway then distil what the next step is for to get to the doorway.
- On the days that you do not go through an EHP, go through the next step that you distilled with your team.
- One way to do this is to Lower your Numbness to your Conscious Fear and ask, “Hello Fear, what am I avoiding?”
- When the information comes, lean into your Fear at take the step that it presents you, then go through that doorway.
- You can do this anywhere at any time. The purpose is to learn to discern how your Box is keeping you from seeing Doorways, inducing a transformational liquid state, enabling you to tumble through the Doorway you are at! (An important note: the purpose is not to notice you are avoiding oncoming traffic with your conscious fear… that is not the sort of transformational doorway I am talking about!)
- Make note of every Doorway you go through in your Beep!Book as well as specific steps you took to arrive there.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.20 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof field name one doorway you went through. This experiment is worth 5 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.21
A Doorway is something that someone can go through that will change their shape significantly, meaning that they go Liquid. It is this Liquid State that will enable them to create New Results. The ability to create Transformational Liquid States for someone is a skill. It takes practice, each Doorway you create for someone else, requires a certain type of Noticing, sensitivity to Energetic space, awareness of the distinction of Box, Being and Gremlin. All of these skills can be built and refined over time with practice and guess what? This is the exact sort of practise that grows your Matrix! SO practice creating Doorways with the following experiment:
- Get yourself a team of at least 2 other people for the purpose of practising creating doorways for others.
- Commit to holding three Emotional Healing Processes for different people every week for 2 months.
- Record yourself and sharing it with your Team, ask them to give you Feedback and Coaching.
- Specifically Coach other people to Feel and listen to the energy and information in their Emotional Body.
- Hold space for a 3x3x3 practice for at least three other people for three months.
- Deliver at least 50 Possibility Coaching for no charge to different people.
- Every doorway that you create for another and they go through - celebrate!
- Take copious notes in your Beep!Book on what worked and what did not.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.21 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof field name Doorway you created. This experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.22
- Hold Space for a weekly Team that meets for at least two months.
- Invite at least 3 other people to join the team.
- The purpose of this team is to empower them to create Doorways to get out of Patriarchal conditioning and Gameworlds that are ecocidial. For each other and others outside of the team.
- The doorways could also be directly into Archiachy.
- The purpose is not to tell them everything you know, rather it is to meet them exactly where they are at and create the circumstances for them to take the next step in creating doorways for others.
- Practice with each other at the meetings. Things to practice could include: speaking with your real voice, holding space for creating a Game Plan, space holding for an EHP, writing an article as a Doorway for others to find.
- Give specific feedback, coaching and practices that enable each person to unleash their Doorway creation skills.
- Ask for feedback and coaching from your team on what worked for them to unfold their Doorway making capacity.
- Ask them to give you specific coaching on how to better enable them to create doorways for others.
- Record all your team meetings and post them on your Youtube channel so others can find you and the gold of making doorways.
- After you have met for two months, write an article called “Creating Doorways For Doorway Makers” and and publish it on Medium, share everything you learnt.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.22 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof field link to your article. This experiment is worth 4 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.23
The following three experiments point straight to the structures that either support or distract from the capacity to grow Matrix. This is important as your Inner structure is what Matrix grows on. Practice grows Matrix, therefore it makes a lot of sense to refine your Inner Structure, so that your practises have somewhere to land!
It is like taking care that the right chemical ratios and molecular carbon structures are in the soil so that the plants can sustain themselves and grow.
An Inner Structure that combines simplicity with elegance is resilient and strong. With a strong Inner Structure your Being has a stable form to mould onto. Weak Inner Structure leads to break down, exhaustion and overwhelm, no matter how much practise you do or healing processes you go through.
This experiment is for you to practise Scanning for Inner Structure in others. When you scan for Inner Structure you are scanning for the potential or lack of potential to build Matrix. You are learning to see the invisible.
- Start by spending 20 minutes in a public place 3 times a week with your Beep!Book.
- Whilst there choose 10 different people and scan their Inner Structure.
- Do this by Noticing how: they walk/sit/carry themselves, they interact with other people, the way they dress, their presence and their connection to purpose.
- Scan a wide variety of people. Pay Attention to the sort of people that command your Attention.
- Lower your numbness bar, consciously raise your Fear and Notice what people are you ignoring, what people does your Box filter out?
- Intentionally place your Attention on those people and scan for their Inner Structure. Do they move freely through the world? Do they appear to have presence and purpose? Are they in their Authority? Scanning for Inner Structure at a distance is a skill and it takes practice.
- Write the heading Inner Structure Research in your Beep!Book and make copious notes on what you observe.
- Set up 10 calls where you will Hold Space one on one for an Inner Structure inventory session.
- The call will be 1 hour to 1.5hours.
- Set the context of the call as an Extraordinary research and Transformation space of Possibility.
- Make contact with the person’s Being.
- Ask the person specific questions about these areas of their life: Health, Finances, Relationships, Career, physical belongings and living space.
- What results are they creating there? Are they able to maintain themselves? Take care of themselves? Are their relationships rich and nourishing ? Are their finances in order?
- Listen for possibility and ask them questions like “will you say more about that…? And “what does a normal day look like for you?” “what do you feel when you say that?”
- Be with them as they unfold layers of how they set their life up.
- At the end of the call, distil one practice that will enable their inner structure to become more resilient.
- When you have done this with 10 people start an Inner Structure research team, meet weekly to continually support each other to refine and upgrade your Inner Structure through specific practices and Radical Honesty.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.23 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof field write one thing that you discovered builds strong Inner Structure. This experiment is worth 5 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code LIFEPRAC.24
- Go to a Possibility Team Meeting. If you are not part of weekly one yet, find one on this calendar link: Call up the spaceholder and let them know that you are coming. While at team meeting do the following experiment: